New Delhi: In the Rajya Sabha elections being held for four seats in Karnataka, on Friday, two MLAs of Janata Dal (Secular) - Srinivasa Gowda and Srinivas Gubbi went against the party and voted for the Congress. Cross-voting is disappointing for the JD(S) as there is a tussle between the two main opposition parties - Congress and JD(S) on one seat in four seats. When Srinivasa Gowda was asked who did he vote for, he said, "I voted for Congress." Asked why, he responded, "Because I love it." 

He has already said that he will leave the JDS led by HD Kumaraswamy and join the Congress.

JDS President HD Kumaraswamy confirmed that two of the party's 32 MLAs have cross-voted. "By not supporting a secular party like ours, the Congress has strengthened the BJP," he said. Significantly, a day before the elections, Congress Legislature Party leader and former Chief Minister Siddaramaiah had written an open letter to JDS MLAs, urging them to vote in favor of their party's candidate Mansoor Ali Khan. The letter said that his victory would be a victory for the "secular ideology" of both the parties.

On the other hand, Kumaraswamy, in an interview with NDTV on the same day, accused the Congress of not having any interest in defeating the BJP candidate. The JDS allegedly sent its MLAs to a hotel to stop the horse-trading of party MLAs by Congress. It is known that six candidates have filed their nominations for four Rajya Sabha seats in Karnataka. There is a fierce contest for the fourth seat.

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This is because a candidate needs 45 votes to win in the Rajya Sabha elections. State's ruling party BJP has fielded three candidates. It can win two seats comfortably on account of its strength in the assembly. The Congress has fielded two candidates, although its figures suggest that it can ensure victory on one.

For the fourth seat, BJP has 32 votes and Congress has 24 votes, while JD(S) has 32 MLAs. No party has the full number of MLAs to win this seat, but all three have fielded their candidates. JDS has fielded only one candidate.

Both Congress and JD(S) want to defeat BJP, but neither is ready to pull out. Kumaraswamy said that when we have more MLAs left for this seat than Congress, then why should his party back out. Our chances of winning are high.