Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will visit Ladakh on Friday (July 17) as part of his 2-day visit to access India's military preparedness and review the overall situation along both the Line Of Control (LoC) in Kashmir and the Line Of Actual Control (LAC) in the Ladakh sector. Earlier on Friday morning, the Defence Minister reached Leh as part of his 2-day trip to Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir (J&K).

The Union Defence Minister is being accompanied by the Army Chief General MM Naravane and Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat on his Ladakh visit. The Defence Minister is also expected to visit forward areas in Kashmir and hold interactions with field commanders to assess the ground situation.

Taking to Twitter ahead of his 2-day visit to Kashmir and Leh, Singh said, "Leaving for Leh on a two-day visit to Ladakh and Jammu-Kashmir. I shall be visiting the forward areas to review the situation at the borders and also interact with the Armed Forces personnel deployed in the region. Looking forward to it."

WATCH | Rajnath Singh Leaves For Two-day trip to Ladakh and Kashmir

Rajnath's visit comes in the backdrop of India and China making continued efforts to disengage their troops deployed along the Line of Actual Control as part of the de-escalation process amid the stand-off between the two armies in eastern Ladakh.

On July 15, a 15-hour-long Corps Commander-level talks, which was the fourth to be held between the two neighbouring countries aimed at de-escalation, took place. The first round of disengagement in all friction areas was done as armies moved back by almost 1-1.5 km in Galwan Valley, Hot Springs and Gogra areas.