New Delhi: After a massive row over class 12 toppers from Bihar, Rajasthan seems to be painting itself in the same colour.

In an extreme case of negligence, the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education authorities jumbled the score sheet of the students who appeared for the class 10 exams.

The marks of the high scoring students were written under the names of students who didn’t score well or did not appear for the exam at all. Also, the marks of low scoring students were placed under the names of those who performed well.

A student from Saraswati Bal Mandir School, scored 44 marks out of 80 in Hindi; in spite of not appearing for the exam.

The score card came as a shocker to the students, who had to bear the brunt of sheer negligence by the authorities; as the matter came into light five days after the result, which was declared on June 19.

The Rajasthan Board has declared that they are innocent and has shifted the onus on the teachers who checked the papers and prepared the scorecards.