New Delhi: The Rajasthan government announced new relaxations in the red zones on Monday for the extended coronavirus lockdown. The state government has allowed the sale of tobacco, paan, and gutkha for take away in the red zones. However, the government has clearly stated consumption in public and spitting is strictly prohibited.

The Rajasthan government has also allowed autos and taxis to operate in the red zones and this includes the commercial cab services like Ola and Uber. The auto-rickshaws and taxis are allowed at airports and railway stations and can take the passengers to their homes in red zones. However, this doesn't apply to the containment zones. The transport service is allowed for hospitals also. The drivers have been instructed to wear face masks at all times and will have to sanitize the seats before and after every journey. The autos and taxis will also have to maintain a safe distance from railway stations and airports.

The state government has also restricted the number of passengers traveling in commercial transport. Only 1 passenger is allowed in an auto-rickshaw while 2 people can travel in a taxi. The government has allowed the parks to re-open in red zones from 7 am to 6:45 pm following the nationwide night curfew.

Earlier, no commercial passenger transport was allowed in the red zones unless specifically permitted and public parks were allowed to open only in orange zones.