Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat raised serious concerns about the deteriorating law and order situation in Rajasthan, particularly regarding the safety of women, in a scathing remark on Friday (July 21). He claimed that women in the state face grave dangers, while the government appears to be more concerned with self-praise. According to the Union Minister, the situation in Rajasthan has reached a critical point, and the state government appears to be unconcerned, despite BJP protests.

"Rajasthan tops the list in crimes against women, with approximately 17-18 rape cases and 5-7 murder cases being reported daily, according to media sources," Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat was quoted as saying by ANI.

He also mentioned that Rajasthan's Chief Minister, Ashok Gehlot, admitted that relatives commit a significant portion of rape crimes. Furthermore, Shekhawat expressed his displeasure with another senior Rajasthani leader, Shanti Dhariwal, who shamelessly stated in the Vidhan Sabha that the state has a high number of rape cases because it is predominantly 'a male-dominated state'. "Surprisingly, some Congress leaders were seen laughing and applauding during Dhariwal's statement," he added. 

Earlier in the day, former Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje stated that the majority of crimes against women occurred in Rajasthan, which alone accounted for more than 10 lakh incidents in 54 months.

"The manner in which incidents involving women, girls, Dalits, and businessmen are shredding the state's law and order." Rajasthan has had the highest number of cases of crimes against women. More than 10 lakh cases have been registered in the state in the last 54 months," Raje was quoted as saying by ANI.

"More than 7,500 innocent people have been murdered," she added. There have been over 2 lakh reports of atrocities against women and rape. Rape has occurred in approximately 33,000 incidents. These account for 22% of all cases in the country."

According to the former Chief Minister, Rajasthan has surpassed all other states in rape cases.

"What is going on? When and how will (such incidents) stop?" Raje wondered, noting that crime against women was at an all-time high in the state. "As a woman, it bothers me that women in my home state of Rajasthan are suffering. A government like this has no right to rule. If there is any shame, it will resign immediately," Raje stated.

"A Dalit woman was gang-raped, and police officers are said to have been involved (in the crime).  She was speech and hearing-impaired. What will happen to the state if the 'rakshak' becomes 'bhakshak'?" Raje cited a crime in the state's Karauli village.

The recovery of the body of a 19-year-old girl from a well where she was allegedly dumped after being raped and murdered sparked outrage in the State Assembly. Meanwhile, on July 19, Jodhpur Police recovered four charred bodies from a hut in Cherai village, Ramnagar gramme panchayat, Jodhpur, ANI reported. 

According to the information, the family members were murdered first, and then their bodies were set on fire. Smriti Irani, Union Minister for Women and Child Development, stated on Thursday that the incident has been reported to the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights and the National Commission for Women.

It should be noted that the state holds elections this year. The Rajasthan assembly election is set to take place in or before December of this year.