New Delhi: Congress President Rahul Gandhi on Monday took a jibe at the central government via dig at Union Minister Nitin Gadkari over the unemployment issue after the latter conceded that there are ‘no jobs’.

Rahul took to his Twitter account, and said “Excellent question Gadkariji. Every Indian is asking the same question. Where are the jobs”?

He tweeted attaching a news report in which Gadkari questioned the logic behind the job reservation row, when there are no sufficient jobs in the first place.

"Let us assume the reservation is given. But there are no jobs. Because in banks, the jobs have shrunk because of IT. The government recruitment is frozen. Where are the jobs?" Gadkari questioned. He further stated that the problem with the quota is that "backwardness is becoming a political interest".

This is a "socio-economic thinking" and it must not be politicised, he added.

In a tweet late on Sunday, Gadkari also clarified that the government is not planning to change the criteria for reservation from "castes to economic conditions".