Mumbai: Congress President Rahul Gandhi will not be attending Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray’s son’s wedding here on Sunday. The reason behind him skipping the event is, however, not known. For his son’s marriage, Raj has invited Congress president Rahul Gandhi but has snubbed the names of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP chief Amit Shah from the list. Interestingly, veteran BJP leader Lal Krishna Advani has been invited for the January 27th wedding at St Regis hotel in the city’s Lower Parel locality.
Certain reports say the invitee list includes the names of former Congress president Sonia Gandhi, Union ministers Rajnath Singh, Sushma Swaraj, Nitin Gadkari, Prakash Jawdekar, Dharmendra Pradhan and Maneka Gandhi.
Raj has been constantly sniping at Modi despite having supported Modi through his statements in the previous elections.
His latest cartoon on Republic Day depicts a lady with the label Prajasattak hanging by the noose with Modi and Amit Shah as the hangmen. With this Raj has amped up his attack on PM Modi and BJP chief Amit Shah, and exhibits it belligerently through cartoons and in public meetings. With approaching Lok Sabha elections, Raj has also apparently gone soft on Congress and Rahul Gandhi.
PHOTOS: Raj Thackeray's Son Amit Engaged To Mumbai-Based Fashion Designer Mitali Borude
To a query on whether he would invite Modi for the wedding, Thackeray in a media briefing last year said: “Does Modi believe in the institution of marriage?”
Thackeray’s son Amit is tying the knot with his longtime girlfriend Mitali Borude, the daughter of a renowned physician, Dr Sanjay Borude. Mitali is a fashion designer and has her launched her own label. The couple got engaged on December 11, 2017.
Rahul Gandhi to skip wedding of Raj Thackeray's son on Sunday in which PM Modi is uninvited
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
26 Jan 2019 04:45 PM (IST)
Raj Thackeray’s son Amit is tying the knot with his longtime girlfriend Mitali Borude, the daughter of a renowned physician, Dr Sanjay Borude. Mitali is a fashion designer and has her launched her own label. The couple got engaged on December 11, 2017.
Raj Thackeray's Son Amit Got Engaged To Mumbai-Based Fashion Designer Mitali Borude On December 11, 2017.
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