Uttarakhand Election 2022: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi would be present in Dehradun today to address a rally to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War. This rally is part of the year-long celebration of the 1971 war. 

Uttarakhand Congress president Ganesh Godiyal had earlier said that Rahul will felicitate ex-servicemen for their contribution to the country. As per a statement, many 1971 war veterans would be present at the event. 

Also Read | Vijay Diwas 2021: What Happened On December 16, 1971 That Led To Formation Of Bangladesh

The timing of this rally is significant considering there are assembly elections in the state in the upcoming months of 2022. Congress would be eager to consolidate their lost ground from the 2017 assembly elections. Currently, Congress has 11 seats in a 70-member assembly, while the BJP has 57. Prime Minister Modi addressed an election event in Uttarakhand on December 4 in Dehradun itself. Although Rahul Gandhi's rally is to felicitate the ex-servicemen, it cannot be seen outside the context of the 2022 Uttarakhand Elections. 

 India celebrates December 16 as Vijay Diwas to commemorate its victory over Pakistan during the 1971 war that led to the birth of Bangladesh. This day is remembered for the bravery of Indian and Bangladeshi troops.

Congress president Sonia Gandhi also gave a keynote address at an event organised by Congress on the eve of the 1971 Liberation War. Sonia Gandhi remembered Indira Gandhi, the then India PM on the occasion and said, “ it will not be an exaggeration to say that 1971 was, in many ways, Indira Gandhi’s finest year — starting with the massive mandate she received in March.”