Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday revealed personal details about his life, ranging from his preferred life partner to his love for motorcylces. Rahul, who is leading the Congress' Bharat Jodo Yatra, said he would prefer a life partner who has a mix of qualities of both his mother Sonia Gandhi and grandmother Indira Gandhi.

In an interview to a YouTube channel, Gandhi said former prime minister Indira Gandhi was "the love of my life and my second mother".

"I would prefer a woman... I do not mind... she has got qualities. But, a mix between my mother's and grandmother's qualities is good," Rahul Gandhi said. Gandhi shared the video of the interview on hi Twitter handle.

Gandhi, who is now on a nine-day break and will resume his yatra from Delhi on January 3, also divulged that he was passionate about driving motorcycles and cycles.

"I have driven an electric scooter, but never an electric bike. Have you seen this Chinese company... There are cycles and mountain bikes with electric motors. Very interesting concept. But, they are good," PTI quoted Gandhi as saying.

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The Congress scion said he does not own a car and uses his mother's CR-V. He also said that he was not obessed with cars.

"I have really not been interested in cars. I am not interested in motor bikes, but I am interested in driving motor bikes. I can fix a car. But, I am not obsessed with cars. I like the idea of moving fast, the idea of moving in the air, the idea of moving in water and on moving in the land," Gandhi said.

On his critics calling him names, Rahul said, "I do not care. Whatever you want to say, it does not matter. I do not hate anyone. You abuse me or even hit me, I would not hate you."

On being called "Pappu", he called it a "propaganda campaign" and said those calling him so were doing it out of the fear inside them. "Nothing is happening in his life, he is sad as his relations in life are not fine. That is why he is abusing someone else, it is ok. I welcome it. Abuse more. I like it. You can give me more names, I do not care. I am relaxed," the former Congress chief said.

Gandhi also said that India has missed the bus on drone revolution, a topic he was very passionate about. He also said India was nowhere near electric vehicle (EV) revolution as it "requires a foundation".

(With inputs from PTI)