Hours after the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) shared a video of Rahul Gandhi reportedly partying at a nightclub in Nepal's Kathmandu, Congress on Tuesday responded with a photo of Rajya Sabha MP Prakash Javadekar with a champagne bottle at a party.

The photo was shared by Congress leader BV Srinivas with the caption that read "pehchaan kaun" (guess who)?

The video released by BJP earlier in the day went viral on social media trigerring a political furore. Several BJP leaders and its supporters slammed Rahul Gandhi for partying at a 'nightclub' when his party is 'exploding'. 

The BJP's social media department head Amit Malviya and Union minister Giriraj Singh also tweeted the video.

"Rahul Gandhi was at a nightclub when Mumbai (in 2008) was under seize(sic). He is at a nightclub at a time when his party is exploding. He is consistent. Interestingly, soon after the Congress refused to outsource their presidency, hit jobs have begun on their Prime Ministerial candidate...," Malviya said in the tweet.

"Colourful programme," BJP leader and Union minister Giriraj Singh in a tweet in Hindi while sharing the video.

Meanwhile, the Congress was quick enough to issue a clarification over the video saying Rahul Gandhi was in Nepal for a private wedding and has not gone there uninvited. 

Congress general secretary and chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala said it was not a crime to attend the wedding of a friend or a family member.

"Rahul Gandhi has not gone as an uninvited guest like Prime Minister Narendra Modi had gone to Pakistan to celebrate the birthday and cut cakes for the then Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif. Rahul Gandhi has gone to a friendly country Nepal to participate in a private marriage function of a friend. By chance, the friend also happens to be a journalist," Surjewala said.

Not just Congress, but Trinamool Congress (TMC) also slammed BJP over the issue. "How on earth is it anybody's business whether @RahulGandhi or anybody else is in nightclub or at wedding in private time? Sick @BJP trolls in charge should stick to doing what they do best- leading double lives with beer in teapots," she tweeted.

Rahul Gandhi is on a five-day private visit to Nepal to attend the wedding of his Nepali friend Sumnima Udas. 

"We had extended an invitation to Gandhi to attend the wedding of my daughter, said Bhim Udas, Sumnima's father who also served as Nepal's Ambassador to Myanmar.

According to reports, the wedding ceremony will take place on Tuesday and a reception will be held on May 5 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Bauddha.