Bharatiya Janata Party on Wednesday trained guns on Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his remarks against Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the United States. The former Lok Sabha MP, while addressing a lecture on Wednesday, slammed the Modi-led BJP government in India saying his government cannot work on unemployment, inflation and crumbling education and hence he is doing the 'sceptre thing' and Parliament inauguration. He also said that if PM Modi sits with God, he will even explain to God how the universe works. 

Targeting Gandhi, Union minister Kiren Rijiju said that the former has got only one job of verbally abusing the PM and defaming the country. 

"Be it within the country or abroad, wherever Rahul Gandhi might be he has just one work - verbally abuse PM Modi and defame the country.”

“I don't understand why he hates PM Modi so much and speaks against the country. He should know that this country gave his family everything, the common man can't even imagine. Rahul Gandhi is unable to tolerate that a common man became the PM of the country. His language and the manner in which he speaks are not taken seriously by anyone..." Rijiu said.

“Rahul Gandhi has made it a habit to insult India in every foreign trip,” said another Union minister Anurag Thakur, adding “this sponsored trip of his is also heading in the same direction.”

“It is Rahul Gandhi's frustration that he wants to insult Prime Minister Modi, but leaves no stone unturned to humiliate India abroad,” Thakur said.

“He is saying that there used to be atrocities on Dalits and scheduled caste families in the 80s but it was Congress government in the country and the state (Uttar Pradesh). Tell Rahul ji, did the atrocities on Dalits, scheduled caste people and minorities get the protection of the Congress?” he added. 

On Tuesday, Rahul Gandhi reached San Francisco for a 10-day visit to the United States.