New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will participate in the Quad Leaders' virtual meeting today along with US President Joe Biden, Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. 

During the meet the leaders are likely to discuss important developments related to the Indo-Pacific region. A statement released by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) also said, "Quad Leaders will also review ongoing efforts to implement the Leaders’ initiatives announced as part of the Quad's contemporary and positive agenda."

China's growing military clout in the Indo-Pacific is a cause of concern for the QUAD countries looking to keep the critical sea route free of any influence.

The last summit of the Quad bloc was held in September 2021 in Washington DC.

Formed in November 2017, QUAD is a strategic security dialogue between the United States, India, Japan and Australia.

The meeting takes place in the backdrop of Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russia has accused NATO of expansionist policy and has often warned Ukraine of siding with the western powers. Putin has said that the attack by Russia on Ukraine is to demilitarise the country. The NATO alliance consists of 30 nations including the Unites States.

Amid the ongoing conflict, India is trying to keep a balanced position as it has strong ties with Russia, while its relations with the US has improved over the last years.

India for the moment has chosen to abstain from voting against Russia in the United Nations.