Bhagwant Mann, the chief minister of Punjab, announced on Monday that his party will summon a special session of the Vidhan Sabha on September 22 to conduct a floor test to demonstrate its majority in response to AAP MLAs' allegations of "Operation Lotus" in the state.

Taking to Twitter, CM Mann stated: “The faith of the people has no value in any currency of the world... On Thursday, 22 September, a special session of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha will be convened and this will be proved legally by submitting a vote of confidence... Long live the revolution..!”

Speaking about the opposition trying to break the Punjab government, CM Mann said: "Recently you would have come across reports of how they (opposition) tried to contact our MLAs and tried to entice them with money and other things to dismantle the government elected with a huge mandate by the people of Punjab. But they probably didn't know that even during the election period, the other parties had a lot of resources to bribe people."

"However, people rejected their money and bribes and placed their trust in us," he added. 

Calling for a special state assembly session, CM Mann said: "This trust vote will legally prove the same as we call a special session of Punjab assembly on September 22 wherein we will show that the elected MLAs are committed to the promise of 'Rangala Punjab'. They are committed to the fight to restore Punjab's former glory. They will not be enticed."

"On Thursday, September 22, a special session of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha will be convened and we will bring a vote of confidence to prove legally that the people of Punjab believe in its elected government. Inquilab Zindabad," he further stated. 

The Punjab government has called a special assembly session on Thursday, September 22, 2022. 

'Those Responsible For Operation Lotus Are Traitors': AAP

Earlier on Sunday, the Aam Aadmi Party's national conclave denounced the BJP's purported "Operation Lotus" and adopted a resolution calling for all engaged to be charged with sedition and sentenced to life in jail.

The AAP's elected leaders also vowed to do all in their power to bring India's 130 crore people together for its success and make it the world's most powerful nation.

Sanjay Singh, an AAP member who moved the motion on "Operation Lotus," called it the "greatest attack" ever made on the integrity of Independent India and claimed it posed a "bigger threat" than any foreign invasion of the nation.

"Operation Lotus is placing illegal governments on the heads of the people by toppling elected governments in different parts of the country. It is the biggest scam in India," the resolution reads.

"Those responsible for the Operation Lotus are traitors. They should be charged with sedition and sentenced to life imprisonment," it demanded.