Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Wednesday wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking intervention into the directions by Centre on waiving the conditions of seeking no objection certificate for drawing water by Himachal Pradesh for water supply and irrigation schemes. The Punjab CM expressed objection to the directions issued by the power ministry to the Chairman of Bhakra Beas Management Board waiving the condition of seeking NOC for drawing water for water supply and irrigation schemes.

He also objected to BBMB providing water supply to Himachal Pradesh saying it was constituted only for administration, maintenance, and operation of the dams and reservoirs. 

“BBMB is only for administration, maintenance and operation of the dam and reservoirs, Nangal Hydel channel and Irrigation headworks at Ropar, Harike and Ferozepur. BBMB is not authorised under the Punjab Reorganisation Act to give any water out of the rivers to any State other than the partner States. Himachal Pradesh is not a partner State,” the letter read. 

The waters of rivers Sutlej, Ravi and Beas have been allocated to Punjab, Haryana, J&K, Delhi and Rajasthan under separate agreements, and the state of Himachal Pradesh cannot raise any claim on the waters of the said rivers, it added. 

“Further, the water of these rivers has been earmarked for specific areas of the Partner States, and the allocated water is supplied through a specific canal system.” 

Mann highlighted that water is a state subject and “the determination or adjudication of rights of river waters fall in the exclusive jurisdiction of a Tribunal to be constituted by the Central Government.” 

Urging PM Modi to intervene and withdraw the directions the letter stated: “In the present circumstances when the water in the rivers is declining drastically year after year whereas there have been pressing demands for water by all the partner States namely, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan, above said unilateral decision of the Government of India needs to be reconsidered and withdrawn.”