New Delhi: Launching a vitriolic attack on Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga accused in a hate speech case in Mohali on Wednesday said the Punjab and Haryana High Court has given a “resounding slap” to the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) convener, ANI reported. Bagga’s remarks came a day after the Punjab and Haryana High Court ruled that he cannot be arrested till July 5. Bagga, who was last week arrested by the Punjab Police, termed it “illegal”.

“I had said that if you don't apologise for insulting the Kashmiri pandits, then we will not let you live peacefully,” Bagga said, as per the news agency.

“Is this a threat to his life? Arvind Kejriwal, who wanted to show his might, has been given a resounding slap by the High Court,” he added addressing a joint press conference in the national capital.

Bagga alleged that Kejriwal has used the Punjab Police to go after the people, who tweet against him because he is scared of the posts on the micro-blogging platform.

“The country used to salute the Punjab Police which had defeated Khalistan. The same police have been given the job of arresting people who tweet against Kejriwal because he is scared of the tweets. I would not be scared and continue asking questions,” he said.

Responding to a poser a about the Guru Granth Sahib sacrilege incident, the BJP leader alleged Kejriwal is shielding the accused.

“When would you put the perpetrators of Guru Granth Sahib sacrilege incident? Kejriwal is shielding them purposely. His own MLA Kanwar Pal Singh, who was a part of the SIT, has alleged this. The same SIT that was shielding the culprits, he had resigned from that SIT,” Bagga said.

"Kejriwal used to say that following the report, the culprits could be jailed within 24 hours. Kanwar Pal Singh said that the officers who shielded the culprits were promoted after AAP came to power in Punjab. The assistant CM and half CM (Bhagwant Mann) is not able to do anything,” he added.

Bagga, who reached his residence in Delhi on the intervening night of Friday and Saturday after he was “rescued” by the Delhi Police, later claimed that the Punjab Police had barged into his home in large numbers and arrested him “as they do it with a terrorist”.

The BJP had staged a protest against the Punjab Police’s action to arrest Bagga after the alleged threat to Kejriwal.

The Punjab Police had earlier this month registered a case against Bagga on charges of making provocative statements, promoting religious enmity and criminal intimidation for targeting Kejriwal over his comments on the film ‘The Kashmir Files’.