New Delhi: The government on Thursday informed Rajya Sabha that India's relations with the Arab nations were not impacted considering the controversial remarks made against Prophet Muhammad. India keeps on connecting the high need to additionally reinforce relations with the Arab world and that it figures out the standpoint and perspectives on New Delhi on the issue, said Minister of State for External Affairs V Muraleedharan.

He was responding to questions on whether "hate speeches and defamatory" remarks made by spokespersons of political parties in India have impacted its relations with Arab nations and the government's response to the assertion made against the Prophet.

"No. India shares historic and friendly relations with Arab countries which have strengthened significantly in the past few years in different domains, including political, trade and investment, defence, security, science and technology, culture and people-to-people ties," Muraleedharan said.

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He further added: "With regard to recent remarks the relevant political organisation has clarified its position. This has been duly recognised by Arab governments." Last month, the BJP suspended its national spokesperson Nupur Sharma and expelled from the party its Delhi unit media head Naveen Jindal for allegedly making derogatory comments against the Prophet.

To a different question, Muraleedharan said Qatar, Kuwait, Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia and Azerbaijan summoned the Indian ambassadors regarding the comments on the Prophet.

"Our ambassadors conveyed that the remarks were made by individuals and do not, in any manner, reflect the view of the government of India. In line with our civilizational heritage and cultural traditions, India accords highest respect to all religions," the minister said.

(With PTI inputs)