New Delhi: Samantak Das, the Pro-Vice Chancellor of Jadavpur University was discovered dead at his residence in South Kolkata on Wednesday, said the police. The body of the 57-year-old renowned academician was recovered in the afternoon from his residential apartment at Ranikuthi. With a karate belt around his neck, Das was discovered hanging from the ceiling, according to PTI reports.

He was rushed to the Bangur Hospital where doctors declared him ‘brought dead’.

According to University officials, Prof Das did not come to his office in the morning, so a car was sent to pick him up regarding some work. When he did not respond to the knocks at his door, his family members broke it open to find his body hanging from the ceiling.

Police are yet to confirm whether it’s a suicide or murder. With no suicide note found on the spot, the body has been sent for post-mortem.

"The body has been sent for post-mortem examination, and further investigation is underway.", an officer of Regent Park Police Station said.

Students and Faculty members have gathered on the University Campus to mourn the death of their professor. 

"The Jadavpur University family today lost one of its most important functionaries who had been a prominent face of the varsity. When I became the JU vice chancellor in 2015, Samantak Das was among the few people who had made me very comfortable and helped me get accustomed to life at this university. His death is a great loss and has created a void that cannot be filled," VC Suranjan Das said to news agency PTI.

Students are shocked and heartbroken at the untimely death of their professor. Jadavpur University Teachers' Association president Partha Pratim Roy says that other professors are also shattered by the news.

"We are absolutely heartbroken at the untimely demise of Professor Samantak Das. He continues to rest in our hearts. We will miss you sir." , Arts Faculty Students Union (AFSU) said in a statement.

One of his ex-students, Bipasha Barua said, "It feels like a personal loss. He was the whole of JU for me. I am speechless."; as reported by news agency PTI.

Prof Das was associated with the JU for many years. He was a popular teacher in the Department of Comparative Literature and headed it from 2007-09. He had joined the department in 2005. He was also the Head of the School of Cultural Texts and Records.

His tenure as the Pro-VC was scheduled to end in September.

Earlier, the professor had lost his wife, who had also committed suicide.