Mumbai: Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Prince William and Kate Middleton on Sunday paid tribute to the victims of the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks at the memorial at the Taj Palace Hotel here.

The royal couple arrived here on a seven-day tour of India and Bhutan, aimed at building strong bonds with the two countries.

The couple, who are on their first visit to India, will take off for Delhi on Monday.

In Delhi, they are scheduled to lay a wreath at India Gate and visit Gandhi Smriti.

Prime Minister will be hosting a lunch for the Duke and Duchess on April 12. "As you would recall, during our Prime Minister's visit to U.K. in November last year, the Queen had hosted a lunch in his honour at Buckingham Palace," said Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Vikas Swarup in a media briefing on Thursday.

After their stay in Delhi, the Duke and Duchess are scheduled to visit the Kaziranga National Park before they proceed to their visit to Bhutan.

They will be back in India to visit the Taj Mahal and will depart for the U.K. from New Delhi.

"The forthcoming visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge is reflective of the continued high level engagement between India and the U.K., and demonstrates the accelerated momentum of the relationship after Prime Minister's very successful visit to United Kingdom in November 2015," Swarup added.