New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be visiting two states, Jharkhand and Odisha, on January 5, said an official statement by PMO on Friday. In Jharkhand, PM will unveil a plaque to mark foundation-laying for revival of North Koel (Mandal Dam) project and Kanhar stone pipeline irrigation system.
He will inaugurate the collective 'e-griha pravesh' of 25,000 beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana through video conferencing and address a public gathering as well.
"Prime Minister will then reach Baripada, Odisha, where he will dedicate to the nation the Balasore-Haldia-Durgapur section of LPG pipeline project of IOCL and the Balasore multi-modal logistic park," the statement added.
The PM will unveil a plaque to mark the commencement of work for the development and conservation of Rasika Ray temple at ancient fort, Haripurgarh.
According to the statement, Modi will lay the foundation stone for the four-laning of various national highway projects and inaugurate six passport seva kendras.
He will also flag off the second passenger train from Tatanagar to Badampahar and address a public gathering at Baripada.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi to lay foundation stone for projects in Jharkhand, Odisha on January 5
Updated at:
04 Jan 2019 10:56 PM (IST)
Modi will inaugurate the collective 'e-griha pravesh' of 25,000 beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana through video conferencing and address a public gathering as well.
The PM will unveil a plaque to mark the commencement of work for the development and conservation of Rasika Ray temple at ancient fort, Haripurgarh.
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