New Delhi: President Ram Nath Kovind on Tuesday addressed the nation on the occasion of 73rd Republic Day of India. In his address, which was aired by All India Radio (AIR) and Doordarshan, President said that the diversity and vibrancy of our democracy are appreciated worldwide.

"It's this spirit of unity and of being one nation that's celebrated every year as Republic Day. This year's celebrations may be muted due to pandemic but the spirit is as strong as ever," President Kovind said in his opening remarks.

"Today, our soldiers and security personnel are carrying forward the legacy of patriotism. Our armed forces and policemen keep vigil day and night to protect the country's borders and maintain internal order so that all other countrymen can sleep peacefully," President Ram Nath Kovind said.

The President further said that it is the national responsibility of Indians to follow Covid protocols.

"We have fought against Covid-19 by following social distancing norms together. Doctors and health care workers have put their own lives at risk to save Covid patients," President Kovind said.

"By fulfilling the fundamental duty of rendering national service when called upon to do so, crores of our people have transformed the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and the COVID vaccination drive into mass movements," he said.

"There have been setbacks, unfortunately, as the virus makes a comeback with new mutations. Countless families have gone through a harrowing time. There are no words to express our collective trauma. The only saving grace is that many lives could be saved," President noted.

President Kovind also said that the pandemic is still widespread and we must remain alert and not let our guard down, adding that the precautions we have taken till now have to be continued.

Furthermore, President also said that on this occasion, let us also remember the great freedom fighters who showed incomparable courage in their pursuit of the dream of Swaraj and fired up the people to fight for it.

This year, Republic Day celebrations will be a low-key affair in the view of ongoing third wave of Coronavirus pandemic fueled by Omicron variant. The government has decided to curtail number of people, who will attend the event celebrated at India Gate in New Delhi.

The parade at Rajpath will start at 1030 hrs, instead of the earlier timing of 1000 hrs, to provide better visibility to the parade and flypast. 

Only double vaccinated adults/one dose vaccinated children of 15 years and above will be allowed entry at the parade. Children below 15 years of age will not be permitted. 

Special arrangements have been made to give opportunity to those segments of society which usually do not get to watch the parade. Some sections of auto-rickshaw drivers, construction workers, safai karamcharis and frontline health workers will be invited to watch the Republic Day Parade as well as the 'Beating Retreat' ceremony.

The Republic Day ceremony will commence with Prime Minister Narendra Modi visiting the National War Memorial, where he will lead the nation in paying tribute to the fallen heroes by laying a wreath.

As per tradition, the national flag will be unfurled followed by the national anthem with a booming 21-gun salute. The parade will commence with President Kovind taking the salute.