New Delhi: A fresh twist has changed the current picture of Ryan International School Gurugram’s class 2 student Pradyuman Thakur’s murder case. The accused bus conductor’s lawyer is now claiming that “Ashok isn’t guilty and he was thrashed and forced to accept committing the crime”.

This comes days after conductor Ashok had accepted front of the camera that he killed Pradyuman after sexually assaulting him.

The Haryana cops had arrested Ashok within 48 hours of committing of the crime, but Pradyuman’s parents were not convinced with the theory of him murdering their son.

Also, his lawyer also claimed that he was asked to carry Pradyuman outside the school by the principal, as he was bleeding profusely.

Meanwhile, the future of the Management of Ryan International Schools hangs in balance after the court denied Pintos’ anticipatory bail plea and gave them time till Friday evening 5 pm before they could be arrested.

It is highly likely that the Haryana police arrests the owners of Ryan International today and give the school in Haryana Government’s custody.

Pradyuman, who was a 7-year-old, class 2 student of Ryan International School was found murdered with throat slit in school’s boys’ washroom.

The incident has shook the Haryana and Delhi Governments, who have tightened the noose around all public and private schools.