New Delhi: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat on Wednesday addressed the annual Dussehra event at Nagpur's Reshimbaug where mountaineer Santosh Yadav was the chief guest becoming the first woman to be so. During his address, Bhagwat touched upon many subjects including women empowerment, education, health, and economy among others. 

Talking about equality in society, the RSS chief said that "population policy should be prepared after comprehensive thought and should be applicable to all equally".

"Population imbalance leads to changes in geographical boundaries...Population control and religion-based population balance is an important subject that can no longer be ignored...So a holistic population policy should be brought and should be equally applicable to all," RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat added during his annual Dussehra speech. 

The RSS chief also reiterated that the idea of an undivided India (Akhand Bharat) can be presented in different ways but the organisation will keep on calling the concept "Hindu Rashtra".

"The concept of Hindu Rashtra is being discussed all over. Many agree with the concept but are opposed to the word ‘Hindu’ & prefer to use other words. We don't have any issue with that. For the clarity of concept - we will keep emphasising the word Hindu for ourselves," the RSS chief said in his speech.

Stressing upon equal opportunities for both men and women, he said "strength is the basis of peace." 

"We need to treat women with equality and empower them with freedom of making their own decisions," he said, adding that "society cannot progress without women."

Referring to the political and economic instability in Sri Lanka and the Russia-Ukraine conflict and India's role in it, the RSS chief said "our prestige and credibility increased in the world. The way we helped Sri Lanka, and our stand during the Ukraine-Russia conflict shows that we are being heard".   

"Our economy is returning to normalcy post-Covid and world economists are predicting that it will grow further. In sports also our players are making the country proud," Bhagwat said in his address. 

He refuted the popular belief that the English language is important for a good career. "It's a myth that English is important for a career," he said.

"The New Education Policy should lead to students becoming highly cultured, good human beings who are also inspired by patriotism– this is everyone’s desire. Society needs to support this action," he added.