More than 221 people were questioned by security forces in connection with the April 20 terror attack on an Army truck in Tota Gali, Poonch, Jammu and Kashmir. Following the questioning, six people were arrested. Overground worker (OGW) Nisar Ahmad, who used to work for terrorists with his family, was among them. His wife is said to have gone to collect the consignment of arms.

Last week, Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Police (DGP) Dilbag Singh stated that six terror operatives, including an entire family of one of them, collaborated on the orders of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and provided logistical support to the terrorists, including arms, ammunition, grenades, and cash dropped by a Pakistani drone, as well as food and shelter. 

When the Army truck was ambushed, at least five soldiers were killed and another was injured. The ill-fated truck was transporting fruits and other eatables from Bhimber Gali to Sangiote village for an Iftar party.

"We had detained 221 suspects following the attack on April 20, of which half a dozen have been formally arrested," said the DGP, who paid a visit to Rajouri's Darhal, where security forces have launched searches in the Thannamandi area to find the attackers.

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At that time, only three of the six arrested suspects were identified: Nisar Ahmed (a Gujjar), Fareed Ahmed, and Mushtaq Ahmed, all of whom are from the Mendhar sub-division. The DGP claimed that the terrorists carried out the attack with the help of locals.

The attackers are thought to have spent two to three months hiding out in natural caves in the jungles of Bhat Dhurian.

The attack took place near a jungle. The initial investigations indicated that they may have used natural hideouts. "We are identifying possible hideouts prior to the attack, and an intensive search operation is underway to apprehend the attackers," Dilbag Singh had said earlier.