New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday defended the criminalisation of triple talaq and said that it is only beneficial for the Muslim community.

At an event in New Delhi, Shah said that the triple talaq (Bill) is only for the benefit of the Muslim community, not for anything else. Hindus, Christians, and Jains are not going to benefit by it because they never had to suffer due to it.

“Triple Talaq was a malpractice; there is no doubt about it in anybody's mind. Some parties opposed the bill in Parliament but deep inside their heart they knew it was a malpractice that needed to end but they didn't have the courage to do it,” he said.

He said that appeasement is the reason for division in India and the election of Narendra Modi as PM in 2014 was beginning of end of politics of appeasement, 2019 mandate is to end it forever

Vote bank politics has caused loss to the nation in many ways. Triple Talaq is one such example and vote bank politics is the reason that evil practice of Triple Talaq was allowed for so many years.

Citing the Shah Bano case, he said,  “On 23 April 1985, SC gave order in favour of Shah Bano, court abolished triple talaaq and said giving maintenance was mandatory and a reason must be given for talaaq.”

“But, Rajiv Gandhi under pressure from orthodox Muslims and vote bank brought a law overturning SC's decision”, Shah said.