New Delhi: A political slugfest has unfolded over Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement about Ram Temple in his interview on Tuesday, where he said that an ordinance to build the Temple in Ayodhya can only be considered after the judicial process gets over. In a volatile reaction to the statement, Shiv Sena hit out at the PM and said Lord Ram is not bigger than the law for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The seers are also giving angry reactions warning that difficult days are ahead of the government.
The Shiv Sena, which has been demanding an ordinance to pave the way for the temple's construction in Ayodhya, said that Prime Minister made his position clear on the matter. Arguing that the matter has been dragging in courts for decades, Sena said: “The Supreme Court has said (hearing on the) Ram Mandir is not an urgent matter. Modi also did not say anything different. I congratulate him for making his position clear on the matter.”
Shiv Sena leader Sanajy Raut tweeted: "...(The prime minister says) Will not bring an ordinance for the Ram temple. The constitutional meaning of this is that Lord Ram is not bigger than the law.”
In an interview by news agency ANI, broadcast by various television channels, Modi was asked about the demand by Hindutva groups for an ordinance for a Ram Temple. To this, Modi said let the judicial process take its own course. PM also targetted the Opposition party and suggested that the judicial process was being slowed down because Congress lawyers were creating "obstacles" in the Supreme Court.
Angry saints also trained guns at the PM and said that Modi may have to face troubles. Chief of Akhil Bharatiya Akhada Parishad Naendra Giri alleged BJP of breaking promise and said: “If it is the Supreme Court that has to take the final decision, then why has BJP been seeking votes on the name of the temple.” He said that congress atleast got the locks of the temple open and conducted prayers.
The main priest of the Ramjanm Bhumi, Ayodya, Satyendra Das said “if Lord Rama gives power, he can snatch it away too. BJP will face a tough time in the 2019 election.”
The RSS said that people of India voted for BJP trusting their promises in manifesto and expect the government to fulfil the promise within its tenure.
"Under the leadership of Modi, the BJP in its 2014 election manifesto had promised to make all possible efforts within the ambit of the Constitution to build the Ram temple. People of India gave the BJP a majority, trusting their promise," the RSS tweeted.

We feel that the statement by Prime Minister is a positive step in the direction of Temple Construction, it said.

The people of Bharat have reposed complete confidence and gave BJP the full mandate. The people of Bharat expect this government to fulfil the same promise during this tenure.
- Dattatreya Hosabale, Sah Sarkaryvah (RSS)

— RSS (@RSSorg) January 1, 2019