Muzaffarabad, (Pakistan-occupied Kashmir) : Pakistan has always been saying that it is not involved in terror-related activities, particularly when it comes to India. However, a leader of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir-based Jammu and Kashmir Aman Forum, Sardar Raees Inqlabi, has rubbished this claim by saying that Islamabad is paying huge amounts of money to send terrorists across the Line of Control (LoC).

  • "You (Pakistan) are hiring killers and murderers; you pay them one crore rupees and turn them into a bomb and make them cross LoC, which is the main reason of tension."

  • "We condemn this terrorism. If you are so fond of firing, you must fight army to army," says Inqlabi.

  • Further exposing Pakistan's state-support to terror outfits and questioning Islamabad's ulterior motives, he asks, "Those terror outfits which are banned in Pakistan in accordance with the National Action Plan, why are they being allowed to operate from 'Azad' Kashmir (PoK), and why are the banned groups been given a free hand in PoK?"

  • "Those organisations which are banned by Pakistan have been given free hand here and along the LoC, and thus, we demand that Islamabad must impose a blanket ban on such outfits akin to the National Action Plan in Pakistan," adds Inqlabi.

  • Also slamming Pakistan for practicing discrimination in awarding compensation, Inqlabi said, "If someone dies in a bomb blast in Pakistan, his family is compensated with Rs. 50 lakh, but what we get in PoK is just Rs. 1-2 lakh."

According an official estimate, the Pakistan Army has violated the ceasefire arrangement agreed upon with India in November 2003 along the LoC and International Border (IB) more than 440 times this year.

The Pakistan Army is facilitating and aiding infiltration by providing either cover fire or shelter to terrorists attempting to sneak into Indian territory by crossing over the LoC.

Last month, Indian security forces released a video clearly showing infiltration bids by Pakistan-backed terrorists.

According to the report, more than 100 militants owing allegiance to the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen have been staying in terror training camps located in PoK and waiting to sneak across the LoC into Indian Territory.