New Delhi: Auctioning of mementoes received by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his term so far in office, finally came to an end on Saturday evening. The fortnight-long process received a tremendous response from the people of the country, according to the press release by PMO. The proceeds from this auction will go towards supporting the noble cause of Namami Gange.

The process consisted of two parts – a physical auction organized at the National Gallery of Modern Art for two days, and an e-auction through the website Over 1800 mementoes were successfully auctioned to the highest bidder during this period.

Some highlights of the auction

During the auction organized at NGMA, a specially handcrafted wooden bike, received a successful bid of Rs. 5 lakhs. A similar bid was also received for a unique painting, which depicts Prime Minister Modi on a railway platform – a uniquely artistic interpretation of Narendra Modi’s special bond with the railways. Some spectacular bids were received during the e-auction as well.

• A statuette of Lord Shiva, which had a base price of Rs. 5000/-, was auctioned for Rs. 10 lakh, which is 200 times the base price.
• A wooden replica of the Ashok Stambh, which had a base price of Rs. 4000/- was auctioned for Rs. 13 lakh.
• A traditional “Horai”, received from Majuli, Assam, (a traditional symbol of the State of Assam - an offering tray with a stand), which had a base price of Rs. 2000/- was auctioned for Rs. 12 lakh.
• A memento entitled “Divinity” received from SGPC, Amritsar, which had a base price of Rs. 10,000/- was auctioned for Rs. 10.1 lakh.
• A statuette of Gautam Buddha, which had a base price of Rs. 4000/- was auctioned for Rs. 7 lakh.
• A traditional brass statue of a lion, received from Shri Sushil Koirala, former Prime Minister of Nepal, was auctioned for Rs. 5.20 lakh.
• A silver vase (Kalash) with embossing, with a base price of Rs. 10,000/- was auctioned for Rs. 6 lakhs.

Many other mementoes fetched an auction value that is several times their base price.