New Delhi: Reacting sharply to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s blog attacking congress, party’s general secretary for UP East Priyanka Gandhi said that PM Modi should stop thinking that people are fools and he should understand that they see through this.

PM Modi had accused Congress of dynasty politics and undermining institutions in his blog on Wednesday morning. Counterattacking the BJP over the blog, Priyanka said: “BJP has systematically attacked every institution in last 5 years including the media. PM should stop thinking people are fools and understand that they see through this.”

She said that BJP thinks that those who speak against him (PM Modi) are scared. “We are not scared. We will not be scared, we would rather continue to fight his oppression. The more he does, the harder we will fight”, she told the media-persons, during her Ganga Yatra from Prayagraj to Varanasi.

Veteran Congress leader Kapil Sibbal also hit back at PM Modi over his “dynasty politics comment” in the blog. He said: “Dynasty politics is deep rooted in BJP and the RSS. In BJP a worker cannot get any post unless he belongs from RSS.”

However, Congress leader Tariq Anwar seemed to validate dynasty and said: "Narendra Modi Ji is saying this as he does not come from a dynasty. How can one who who does not come from a dynasty say this?”

He said: “Tell me one profession where dynasty is not encouraged."

Congress leaders’ comments came in response to PM Modi’s blog in which he launched step by step blistering attack on Congress party over dynasty politics and over insulting institutions like the Parliament, defence, media and court.

Read: "Institutions biggest casualty of dynasty politics," PM Modi launches scathing attack on Congress in his latest blog. 

Watch Priyanka's reaction here: