New Delhi: In a review meeting with chief ministers over the coronavirus situation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the focus must be on local containment while stressing on the importance of safeguarding the economy and livelihood of common people while framing Covid-19 strategies.

India logged 2,47,417 new coronavirus infections, the highest in 236 days, on Thursday. The meeting was also attended by Home Minister Amit Shah and Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya.

PM Modi said the Centre and state governments must continue with pre-emptive, pro-active and collective approach followed so far in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic.

All states have imposed fresh restrictions and brought back nigh curfews to check the spread of the highly transmissible Omicron variant of Covid.

"Compared to previous variants, Omicron is rapidly's more transmissible...Our health experts are assessing the situation. It's clear that we have to stay alert, but also ensure to avoid panic," PM Modi further said.

"Rs 23,000 crore package allocated by the Centre to states has been utilized well with many states strengthening their health infrastructure. Center and states need to follow this pre-emptive, collective, and proactive approach this time too," PM Modi said during the interaction.

On Thursday, India registered a single day jump of 620 Omicron cases, the highest so far. Total Omicron cases in the country stand at 5,488, of which 2,162 people have recovered.


PM Modi also underlined the importance of vaccination and the need to further accelerate the 'Har Ghar Dastak' programme to achieve 100 per cent vaccination coverage.

"Irrespective of the virus variant, vaccine remains the only proven way to tackle the pandemic, and made in India vaccines are proving their superiority all over the world," PM Modi said.

The Prime Minister stressed that states should be in a position to provide maximum treatment to infected population in home isolation.

The active cases have increased to 11,17,531, the highest in 216 days. The death toll has climbed to 4,85,035, with 380 fresh fatalities, according to Health Ministry data.

On Sunday, PM Modi had chaired a high-level meeting to assess the Covid situation and called for ensuring adequate health infrastructure at the district level and accelerating the vaccination drive for adolescents.