New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Bhutan on Saturday morning for a two-day visit during which the two strategic allies will explore ways to further strengthen and diversify bilateral partnership. It is said Modi's visit to India's "trusted friend" reflects the high priority it attaches to its relations with the neighbouring country. This is prime minister's second visit to Bhutan. Bhutan was the first country Modi visited after assuming charge as prime minister in 2014.

The Ministry said that Prime Minister Modi's visit to Bhutan, very early in his second term, is in line with government of India's continued emphasis on its Neighbourhood First Policy'.

During the visit, Modi will hold talks with his Bhutanese counterpart Lotay Tshering and is expected to get an audience with King of Bhutan Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck. Prime Minister Modi will also address young Bhutanese students at the prestigious Royal University of Bhutan.

Bhutan has been a strategic ally of India and bilateral ties between the two countries have been on an upswing in the last few years.

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar visited the Himalayan nation in June in his first overseas trip after assuming charge of the ministry.

The visit provides an opportunity to the two sides to discuss ways to further strengthen and diversify the bilateral partnership, including economic and development cooperation, hydropower cooperation and people-to-people-ties, the MEA said.

In their talks, Modi and Tshering are expected to share views on regional and other issues of mutual interest.

(agency inputs)