Mann Ki Baat: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will today address the nation through his monthly radio broadcast 'Mann Ki Baat'. This will be the 104th edition of the programme and comes after India's successful landing on the Moon's south pole. The Prime Minister took to X, formerly known as Twitter, and said, "Tune in at 11 AM on Sunday. Always a delight to highlight inspiring life journeys from across India."
In the last edition of 'Mann Ki Baat', which was aired on July 30, PM Modi mentioned the 'Meri Maati Mera Desh' campaign for the first time. PM Modi, in his last address through the programme, spoke on how NDRF, authorities, along with local people put in a united effort during the relief work during these tough times. The PM also noted how people are making an effort to revive the environment by conserving water which is the need of the hour for everyone. PM Modi also highlighted how the change in Haj policy has benefitted many Muslim women in the country.
Talking about efforts that are being made to conserve water, the Prime Minister praised the tribals of Madhya Pradesh's Shahdol who, with the help of officials, have begun transforming the wells into water recharge systems.
Praising another such effort, he said, "One such encouraging news has come in from Uttar Pradesh. A few days ago, in UP, a record of planting 30 crore trees in a single day has been made."
The PM had also noted in the 103rd 'Mann Ki Baat' that over 60,000 Amrit Sarovars built during the ‘Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav' are increasingly radiating their glow. "Work on building over 50,000 Amrit Sarovars is also underway. The people of our country are making new efforts to conserve water," he had informed in July's 'Mann Ki Baat' edition.
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