New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that Amrit Kaal of India's independence gives us the opportunity to work towards a strong, developed, and inclusive India

He made the statement as he inaugurated the year-long celebrations of the centenary year of Malayalam daily 'Mathrubhumi'.

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"We did not have the opportunity to sacrifice our lives during the freedom struggle for Swarajya. However, this Amrit Kaal gives us the opportunity to work towards a strong, developed and inclusive India," he said.

PM Modi emphasised the 'Aatmanirbhar' campaign saying, "Powered by India’s talented youth, our nation is moving towards Aatmanirbharta or self-reliance. At the core of this principle is to make India an economic powerhouse that caters to domestic and global needs."

Talking about the Malayalam daily 'Mathrubhumi', the Prime Minister stated: "Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s ideals, Mathrubhumi was born to strengthen India’s freedom struggle. Mathrubhumi is a key part of the glorious tradition of newspapers and periodicals founded all across India to unify the people of our nation against colonial rule."

PM Modi hailed the positive role played by media in various campaigns as he said, "I have seen the positive impact the media can play. The example of the Swachh Bharat Mission is well known. Every media house took up this mission with great sincerity. Likewise, the media has played a very encouraging role in popularising Yoga, fitness and Beti Bachao Beti Padhao."  

"These are subjects beyond the domain of politics and political parties. They are about making a better nation in the coming years," he added.

The Prime Minister also emphasised that the world has many expectations from India. "When the COVID-19 pandemic hit our shores, it was speculated that India would not be able to manage things well. The people of India proved these critics wrong," he added, recalling the nation's battle with the Coronavirus pandemic.

Talking about technology, PM Modi said that "India is leading the world in the field of technology advancement today." "In just about 4 years, the number of UPI transactions has risen over 70 times. This shows the eagerness of our people to embrace positive changes," he stated.