Prime Minister Narendra Modi has once again hailed the decision of the Supreme Court to hold valid the Centre's 2019 decision to abrogate Article 370, removing the special status of Jammu and Kashmir. In an opinion piece in the Indian Express, the Prime Minister said the top court has further emboldened the spirit of "Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat". He said the dreams of people would no longer be the "prisoners of the past" and would be all about the "possibilities for the future".

"In its verdict on December 11, the Supreme Court has strengthened the spirit of “Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat”. It has reminded us that what define us are bonds of unity and a shared commitment to good governance. Today, every child in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh is born with a clean canvas, where he or she can paint a future full of vibrant aspirations. Today, the dreams of the people are no longer prisoners of the past but about possibilities for the future. After all, development, democracy and dignity have replaced disillusionment, disappointment and despondency," the PM wrote.

In a landmark verdict on Monday, the Supreme Court upheld the abrogation of Article 370 as constitutionally valid but asked the government to restore the statehood of Jammu and Kashmir and hold elections here by September 2024. The top court had reserved its verdict on the matter on September 5 following a 16-day hearing. 

The five-judge constitution bench led by Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud held that Article 370 was a temporary provision because of war-like conditions in the state. "We hold exercise of presidential power to issue constitutional order abrogating Article 370 of Constitution as valid. We do not find the use of presidential power was malafide," the top court said.

The PM said the apex court's "historic" judgment has upheld the sovereignty and integrity of India, "something that is cherished by every Indian". He said the court rightly observed that the decision was taken to enhance "constitutional integration and not disintegration."

"The Court has also recognised that Article 370 was not permanent in nature," the PM added


ALSO READ | Article 370: SC Urges Restoration Of J&K Statehood At Earliest, Directs ECI To Conduct Polls


'What Happened In J&K Was A Great Betrayal'

The Prime Minister said that what had happened in the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir was a "great betrayal" and he desired to do all that he could to remove the same.

"It was always my firm belief that what had happened in J&K was a great betrayal — of our nation and of the people living there. It was also my strong desire to do whatever I can to remove this blot, this injustice done to the people. I have always wanted to work to alleviate the suffering of the people of Jammu and Kashmir," he said.

"In very basic words, Articles 370 and 35 (A) were major obstacles, and those suffering as a result were the poor and downtrodden. They ensured that the people of J&K never got the rights and development that the rest of their fellow Indians did. Due to these Articles, a distance was created between people belonging to the same nation," he said, adding that many people who wanted to work to solve the problems of J&K were unable to even if they felt the pain of the people there.

Explaining his understanding of the issue, he said as a Karyakarta, he has seen the matter closely over the last several decades, and he was "crystal clear" about one thing: The people of J&K want development and they want to contribute to the development of India based on their strengths and skills.

"They also want a better quality of life for their children — free from violence and uncertainty. Thus, while serving the people of J&K, we gave primacy to three pillars — understanding citizens’ concerns, building trust through supportive actions, and prioritising development, development and more development," he added.


People Wanted Freedom From Rampant Corruption: PM Remembers Srinagar Visit

Recalling his visit to Srinagar in 2014 fter deadly floods struck and caused a lot of damage in the Kashmir Valley, the PM said he assessed the situation there. He said his government announced Rs 1,000 crore as special assistance for rehabilitation, signalling its commitment to supporting the people during crises. 

"I had the opportunity to meet people from different walks of life and there was one common thread in these interactions — the people not only wanted development, but they also wanted freedom from the rampant corruption prevailing for decades," the PM added.

He further said he decided not to mark Diwali in remembrance of those "we lost in J&K and decided to be there on Diwali day."

He said to further the UT's developments, his government decided that ministers would frequently go there and interact with people directly. "These frequent visits also played a crucial role in building goodwill. From May 2014 to March 2019, over 150 ministerial visits took place. This is a record in itself."

People's 'Thumbs Up' To Parliament's Decision

PM Narendra Modi further mentioned that the judicial verdict came this year but the people’s court has given a resounding thumbs up to Parliament’s decision to abolish Articles 370 and 35(A) for four years now.

"August 5, 2019, is etched in the hearts and minds of every Indian. Parliament passed the historic decision to abrogate Article 370. Since then, much has changed in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. The judicial verdict came in December 2023 but seeing the wave of development across Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh, the people’s court has given a resounding thumbs up to Parliament’s decision of abolishing Articles 370 and 35(A) for four years now," he added.

Talking about the development in the Union Territory that took place in the last four years, he said people's faith in grassroots democracy has renewed there and that women, SCs, STs and marginalised sections of society were earlier not getting their due.

"At the same time, the aspirations of Ladakh were ignored. August 5, 2019, changed all that. All central laws now apply without fear or favour. Representation is also more widespread — a three-tier Panchayati Raj system is in place, BDC elections have been held, and refugee communities who were all but forgotten have begun to enjoy the fruits of development," he said.

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