Ahead of the final phase of the Lok Sabha election, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed several serious accusations made by opposition leaders in an exclusive interview with ABP News. When asked about being labeled from a "maut ka saudaagar (merchant of death)" to a "taanashah (dictator)," PM Modi commented that real dictators would be discouraged to see this term being devalued so much. He quipped that he endures these abuses and insults without retaliating.
"I think the dictator community would be the most saddened, they would feel that there has been so much devaluation and degradation of their community. What kind of a dictator listens to these abuses and still doesn't say anything? So the actual dictator would feel that their market is down," he said.
"These people are Namdaar (dynasts), and I am Kamdaar (worker) It is in our destiny to face abuses," he remarked.
On the suggestion that such criticisms are part of his destiny, PM Modi said, "I have faced many hardships since childhood. It surprises me when someone compliments me, as I expect to endure everything. Insults never shock me. Even well-known people treat us this way".
ALSO READ: PM Modi Interview: 'Educate Your Kids, Build Your Future' — Modi's Message For Muslims
I Have Cordial Relations With Opposition Leaders, Except For 'Shahi Parivar': PM Modi
When questioned about his preference among the opposition leaders, PM Modi took a diplomatic stance, refraining from disclosing specific names but admitting an amicable rapport. Reflecting on past interactions, he spotlights instances of extending support to leaders across party lines, including former Congress leader Pranab Mukherjee during the 2019 elections.
"I will not tell the name. There is a feeling of belonging. Pranab Mukherjee was in Congress but might have called three-four times during the 2019 elections. I have cordial relations with the opposition leaders, except for the 'Shahi Pariwar'," the Prime Minister told ABP News in reference to the Gandhi family.
Furthermore, Modi recounted examples of reaching out during times of crisis, such as contacting Rahul Gandhi when his plane encountered trouble in Maharashtra and promptly offering assistance to veteran Congress leader Sonia Gandhi when her health deteriorated amid Kashi's visit.