NEW DELHI: PM Narendra Modi on Friday addressed the Indian community and dedicate a memorial to the Indian victims of the two Air India crashes in France in the 1950s and 1960s.

During his interaction, Modi said, "In 'New India', noose tightening on corruption, nepotism, loot of public money and terrorism."

"In new India, the way in which action is being taken against corruption, nepotism, loot of people's money, terrorism, this has never happened before. Within 75 days of the new Govt coming to power we took many strong decisions" he further added.

PM also said that India will achieve most of the climate change goals set for 2030, in the next year and a half.

From August 25-26, Modi will participate in the G7 Summit meetings as Biarritz Partner at the invitation of President Macron in the sessions on Environment, Climate, Oceans and on Digital Transformation.

In his departure statement, the prime minister said his visit to France reflects the strong strategic partnership which the two countries deeply value and share.