Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday recalled the words of former Prime Ministers Jawaharlal Nehru and Atal Bihari Vajpayee and also referred to their contributions. Speaking in the Lok Sabha PM Modi said, "The echoes of Pandit Nehru's "At the stroke of the midnight..." in this House will keep inspiring us. In this House itself, Atal ji had said, "Sarkarein aayegi-jaayegi, partiyan banegi-bigdegi, lekin ye desh rehna chahiye. This echoes even to this day," he said.

The Special Session of Parliament began on Monday and will continue till Friday. Speaking on the ‘Parliamentary journey of 75 years starting from Samvidhan Sabha – achievements, experiences, memories and learnings’ in the Lok Sabha, PM Modi also referred to the Parliament shifting to the new building and said “bidding goodbye to this building is an emotional moment”.  

PM Modi On 2001 Terror Attack On Parliament

While speaking in Lok Sabha, PM Modi also recalled the terror attack that took place on Parliament in 2001. He said that it was attack on "the mother of democracy". He also mentioned the contribution of all those who dealt with the terror attack.  

"There was a terror attack (on the Parliament). This was not an attack on a building. In a way, it was an attack on the mother of democracy, on our living soul. The country can never forget that incident. I also bow before those who took bullets to their chest to protect the Parliament and all its members, while fighting the terrorists," PM Modi said. 

PM Modi Recalls First Day As MP

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday recalled his first day as a Member of Parliament in the Lok Sabha and said that it is the strength of democracy in India that the son of a poor family who lived on the railway platform reached Parliament. He further said that he never imagined that the nation would give him so much respect, blessings, and love.

When I first became a Member of Parliament and entered the Lok Sabha for the first time, I instinctively bowed down at the entrance of the Lok Sabha and stepped inside this temple of democracy. That moment was filled with emotions for me. I was not able to imagine. It was because of the strength of democracy in India and the commitment and admiration of the citizens that the son of a poor family who lived on the railway platform reached Parliament. I never imagined that the nation would give me so much respect, blessings, and love.