NEW DELHI: It was the last day of the Budget session on Wednesday and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his last speech in Lok Sabha ahead of general elections, pitched for a majority government saying the country's image had enhanced globally due to the electoral mandate enjoyed by the current dispensation. He also took potshots at opposition parties and Congress president Rahul Gandhi in his brief address.

Modi began his address appreciating the role of Speaker Sumitra Mahajan in conducting the proceedings of the House. He also praised Rajya Sabha chairman Venkaiah Naidu, BJP leader Ananth Kumar, who died last year, for their service as Ministers for Parliamentary Affairs.

Highlights of PM Modi's last parliament speech before Lok Sabha elections

  • India became the sixth-largest economy in the world over the five year period from 2014, it also rose in stature in international affairs. The credit does not go to Modi or Sushma (Swaraj) ji, the credit goes to the decision made by 125 crore Indians which brought a full-majority government.

  • The world recognises a majority government and when a Prime Minister meets global leaders, they know he has the mandate.

  • After three decades that a government was formed with complete majority. And after Independence, it was the first full-majority government without Congress 'gotra'. The first coalition government without Congress 'gotra' was that of (Atal Bihari) Vajpayee ji.

  • It was also during this period that we had the highest number of women ministers in the Cabinet and two women ministers in the Cabinet Committee for Security. The Lok Sabha Speaker and Secretary General are also women.

  • Several sessions in this Lok Sabha had good productivity. This is a very good sign. This Lok Sabha has passed 203 bills out of 219 introduced. It is this Lok Sabha that passed the GST. This House passed laws against black money and corruption. It would also be remembered for ending webs of old and outdated laws.

  • I came to know for the first time the difference between ‘gale lagna’ and 'gale padna’. It was a new thing I witnessed as a first time member of Parliament.

  • We had heard that an earthquake will occur but five years have passed by and nothing has happened.

  • Ever the planes (Rafale issue) were made to fly high, but democracy and the decorum of the Lok Sabha were so high that it could make no difference.