New Delhi: PM Narendra Modi on Tueday began his "ground-breaking" visit, receiving an extraordinary welcome by the Jewish nation. His attire while meeting Benjamin Netanyahu gave out a message loud and clear to the world that India is very keen to strengthen its bilateral ties with Israel. 

Modi clasped Netanyahu in a warm embrace at the Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv.

Always a stickler for appropriate attire, the Prime Minister alighted from Air India One at Tel Aviv, in an immaculate white bandhgala.

Also quite noticeable was the blue handkerchief that stuck out slightly from the pocket. Blue and white are the colours of the Israeli flag.

And white is the PM's preferred colour for solemn occasions, such as the visit to Yad Vashem yesterday.

Behind the overt affection and friendship, lies deep political significance as India for the first time has delinked its relationship with Israel from its traditional support to Palestine. But, India now hopes to leverage its relationship with Israel to attract more investment, and gain from Israeli cutting-edge technology and defence.

Modi said his visit celebrates the strength of centuries-old links between the two societies and "based on these bonds, our partnership has mantained a strong and sustained upswing since the establishment of full relationship, diplomatic relations, 25 years ago."

(With additional information from PTI)