Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been named as world's most admired Indian, as per a survey conducted by UK-based internet market research and data analytics firm YouGov.

"Narendra Modi is the most admired man in India and sixth most admired in the world,” read the YouGov website.

The survey, conducted through online voting, ranks the world’s most admired men and women. While PM Modi is the highest ranking Indian on the list, he holds the sixth position in the overall list of most admired people around the world.

Apart from PM Modi, cine superstar Amitabh Bachchan (12th)  and Bollywood heartthrobs Shah Rukh Khan (16th) and Salman Khan (18th) also featured inside the top 20 most admired men in the World.

Former United States President Barack Obama, American business magnate and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar, and Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli also appeared in the list.

While Bill Gates remains the world’s most admired man this year, former US President Barack Obama is placed second on the list.

Michelle Obama is now the world’s most admired woman replacing Angelina Jolie.

In 2018, the Forbes ranked PM Modi 9th most powerful person in world.