Prime Minister Narendra Modi will on Tuesday distributed 71,000 appointment letters to newly inducted recruits in various government departments via video conferencing in a Rogar Mela. It was held at 45 locations across the country. According to an official release from the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), the recruitments were taking place across Central Government Departments as well as State Governments/UTs supporting this initiative. 

"Earlier it was difficult to apply for a government job, one had to stand in line for hours to get the form. Today the whole process from applying to results is online. Now no interview is required for Group C&D posts. This has ended the possibilities of corruption & nepotism," PM Modi said.

Notably, the new recruits, selected from across the country, will join various positions/posts like Gramin Dak Sevaks, Inspector of Posts, Commercial-cum-Ticket Clerk, Junior clerk-cum-Typist, Junior Accounts Clerk, Track Maintainer, Assistant Section Officer, Lower Division Clerk, Sub Divisional Officer, Tax Assistants, Assistant Enforcement Officer, Inspectors, Nursing Officers, Assistant Security Officers, Fireman, Assistant Accounts officer, Assistant Audit officer, Divisional Accountant, Auditor, Constable, Head Constable, Assistant Commandant, Principal, Trained Graduate Teacher, Assistant Registrar, Assistant Professor, among others, the release further added.

The PMO said that the Rozgar Mela is a step towards fulfilment of the commitment of the Prime Minister to accord the highest priority to employment generation. It said that the Rozgar Mela is expected to act as a catalyst in further employment generation and provide meaningful opportunities to the youth for their empowerment and participation in national development.

Centre said that the newly inducted appointees will also get an opportunity to train themselves through Karmayogi Prarambh, which is an online orientation course for all new appointees in various Government departments.

On Friday, PM Modi congratulated the class 10, 12 students of the CBSE after the board declared results.

"I congratulate all the #ExamWarriors who have successfully passed the CBSE Class XII examinations. I am proud of these youngsters for their hardwork and determination. I also congratulate their parents and teachers for their monumental role in the success of the youngsters," PM Narendra Modi tweeted.

The CBSE Class 10 Result 2023 has been declared with an overall pass percentage of 93.12 per cent, indicating a decline of 1.28 per cent from last year's pass percentage of 94.40 per cent. Girls outperformed boys with a pass percentage of 94.25 per cent compared to 92.27 per cent for boys, with a difference of 1.98 per cent.