Modi US Visit LIVE: In Global Citizen Address, PM Hails Covid Warriors. Says Human Resistance Will Prevail

PM Modi US Visit LIVE: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to address the United Nations General Assembly in New York and focus on the “pressing global challenges”.

ABP News Bureau Last Updated: 25 Sep 2021 11:10 PM
In Global Citizen Address, PM Hails Covid Warriors. Says Human Resistance Will Prevail

Generations will remember the manner in which human resilience prevailed over everything else: PM Narendra Modi addresses 'Global Citizen Live'

We saw glimpses of this collective spirit when our COVID-19 warriors, doctors, nurses, medical staff gave their best in fighting the pandemic. We saw this spirit in our scientists&innovators who created new vaccines in record time: PM Narendra Modi addresses 'Global Citizen Live'

We saw glimpses of this collective spirit when our COVID-19 warriors, doctors, nurses, medical staff gave their best in fighting the pandemic. We saw this spirit in our scientists&innovators who created new vaccines in record time: PM Narendra Modi addresses 'Global Citizen Live'

EAM S Jaishankar On PM's UNGA Speech

A powerful and impactful address by PM Modi to UNGA today. 12 big policy takeaways - cautions against regressive thinking and extremism. Using terrorism as a political tool will backfire on those practicing it. On Afghanistan, must not allow the use of its soil by terrorists: EAM

PM Meets People Outside His Hotel In New York

UN Must Enhance Its Reliability To Remain Relevant: PM Modi

If the UN wants to remain relevant, it will need to improve its effectiveness and enhance its reliability, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Saturday, underlining the need to strengthen the world body to safeguard global order, laws and values.

Addressing the 76th UN General Assembly here, the prime minister quoted great Indian diplomat Chanakya's words "when the right action is not taken at the right time, then it is time itself that causes the action to fail" to push his view.

Comprehensive, Useful Visit Which Allowed For High-Level Interactions: Harsh V Shringla

It has been a comprehensive and useful visit which allowed for high-level interactions: Foreign Secretary Harsh V Shringla on PM Modi's US visit

At UNGA, PM's Indirect Hit At Pakistan

We also need to ensure that no country tries to take advantage of the delicate situation in Afghanistan & use it for its own selfish interests. At this time, people of Afghanistan, women & children, minorities need help. We must fulfill our duties by providing them with help: PM Modi

PM Modi At 76th UN General Assembly Session

In such a situation, the entire world must make science-based, rational and progressive thinking the basis for development. In order to strengthen a science-based approach, India is promoting experience-based learning: PM Narendra Modi at the 76th UNGA session

"We have also started work on making India the world's largest green hydrogen hub. We are answerable to our future generations. Today, the world is facing an increased threat of regressive thinking and extremism," he said.

PM Talks About Afghanistan At UNGA

It is absolutely essential to ensure that Afghanistan's territory is not used to spread terrorism and for terrorist activities: PM Modi at UNGA

PM Lauds India's Vaccination Drive At UNGA

Today, I extend an invitation to all vaccine manufacturers from across the world to make vaccines in India: PM Modi at United Nations General Assembly

I would like to inform the UNGA that India has developed the world's first DNA vaccine. This can be administered to anyone above the age of 12. An mRNA vaccine is in the final stages of development. Indian scientists are also developing a nasal vaccine against COVID19: PM Modi


It's the strength of India's democracy that a young tea seller is speaking at UNGA for fourth time, says PM Modi in his opening remarks at the 76th UN General Assembly meeting.

PM Pays Tribute To Those Who Lost Lives Due To Covid

In the last 1.5 years, the entire world has been facing the worst pandemic in 100 years, I pay tribute to all those who have lost their lives in this deadly pandemic and I express my condolences to their families: PM Narendra Modi addresses 76th Session of UNGA


On 15 August this year, India entered the 75th year of independence. Our diversity is the identity of our strong democracy: PM Modi at UNGA

PM Modi Arrives At UN HQ

PM Modi To Address UNGA At 6:30 PM Today

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York at 6:30 pm (IST) today. The theme for this year's General Debate is Building Resilience through hope to recover from Covid-19, rebuild sustainably, respond to the needs of the planet, respect the rights of people, and revitalise the United Nations'.

Quad Supplies 79 Million Covid-19 Vaccine Doses To Indo-Pacific Nations

The Quad, which has pledged to donate over 1.2 billion Covid vaccine doses globally, has delivered nearly 79 million safe, effective and quality-assured vaccine doses to countries in the Indo-Pacific to contain the devastating coronavirus pandemic, according to the four-member grouping.

"Our partnership on COVID-19 response and relief marks a historic new focus for the Quad. We launched the Quad Vaccine Experts Group, comprised of top experts from our respective governments, charged with building strong ties and better aligning our plans to support Indo-Pacific health security and COVID-19 response," the Quad leaders said in a joint statement.

India Welcomes US' Efforts To Fight Climate Change, Its Return To Paris Agreement

India has welcomed America's efforts to combat climate change and its return to the Paris Agreement as Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden held their first in-person bilateral meeting at the White House.

President Biden, in his talks with Prime Minister Modi in the Oval Office of the White House, expressed support for India's intention to achieve a domestic goal of installing 450 GW of renewable power by 2030, according to the US-India Joint Leaders' Statement issued after their meeting on Friday.

Quad Leaders’ Summit structured on Afghanistan, Covid-19, cyber security and Climate

Quad Leaders’ Summit was structured on– Afghanistan and Regional Security; Covid-19 response; Tech and cyber security; and Climate. During the meet, US President Joe Biden repeatedly referred to comments and suggestions made by PM on various topics and amplified them. India’s decision to resume vaccine exports from October was welcomed by all at Quad meet. For the Quad vaccine initiative, Biological E would be producing 1 million doses of Janssen vaccine by October 2021. India would be financing 50% of this first consignment: Sources

Quad countries to donate more than 1.2 billion vaccine doses globally

Quad countries- India, US, Australia, Japan in a joint statement said, "COVID has caused continued global suffering; climate crisis has accelerated; regional security has become ever-more complex, testing all of our countries individually & together. But cooperation remains unflinching. As Quad countries, we have pledged to donate more than 1.2 billion vaccine doses globally, in addition to the doses we have financed through COVAX. 

In a joint statement, Quad leaders commit to better preparations for the next pandemic. We will continue to build coordination for health-security efforts in the Indo-Pacific, and we will jointly conduct at least one pandemic preparedness tabletop or exercise in 2022.

PM Narendra Modi meets people as they cheer for him & chant 'Vande Mataram' & 'Bharat Mata ki Jai' outside the hotel in New York.


India Slams Pakistan Over Harbouring Terrorists

India on Saturday said on the world forum that Pakistan has an established history and policy of harbouring, aiding and actively supporting terrorists. First Secretary Sneha Dubey reportedly said, "We exercise our right of reply to one more attempt by the leader of Pakistan to tarnish the image of this august forum by bringing in matters internal to my country & going so far as to spew falsehoods on the world stage. While such statements deserve our collective contempt & sympathy for the mindset of the person who utters falsehood repeatedly. I'm taking the floor to set the record straight."

"Regrettably,this isn't 1st time leader of Pakistan has misused platforms provided by the UN to propagate false&malicious propaganda against my country&seeking in vain to divert world’s attention from sad state of his country where terrorists enjoy free pass," the India representative said. 

"Member States are aware Pakistan has established history &policy of harbouring, aiding &actively supporting terrorists.This is a country that has been globally recognised as openly supporting, training, financing &arming terrorists as matter of State policy," she added. 


Our Quad vaccine initiative will help Indo-Pacific nations. Quad decided to go ahead with a positive approach on basis of our shared democratic values. I'd be happy to discuss with my friends-be it supply chain,global security,climate action,COVID response or tech cooperation: PM

At QUAD, PM Says We Are United For Welfare Of Humanity

Our four nations met for the first time after 2004 Tsunami to help the Indo-Pacific region. Today, when the world is fighting against COVID-19 pandemic, we have come here once again as Quad for the welfare of humanity: PM Narendra Modi's opening remarks at Quad Leaders' Summit

PM Modi Gets Warm Welcome From US Prez Biden

Technology Is Important: PM Modi After Meeting Prez Biden

Technology is becoming a driving force. We have to utilise our talents to leverage technology for the greater global good: PM Modi during bilateral meeting with US President Biden

Biden After Meeting PM Modi

I've long believed that US-India relationship can help us solve a lot of global challenges. In fact back in 2006 when I was the Vice President, I said that by 2020 India & US will be among the closest nations in the world: US President Joe Biden at the bilateral meet with PM Modi

Mr. PM, We're Going To Continue Building Our Strong Partnership, Says Joe Biden

"Mr Prime Minister, we're going to continue to build on our strong partnership", said US President Joe Biden as he sat down with PM Narendra Modi in the Oval Office for their bilateral meeting on Friday.

He also made a reference to Vice President Kamala Harris's Indian heritage during the opening segment of their meeting, the first in-person meeting after he had become President.

Before their meeting, a senior US official said that Biden was looking forward to their meeting they will discuss Afghanistan and priority areas that India is "front and centre of".

Thank You For Warm Welcome: PM Modi During Bilateral Meet With Biden

I thank you for the warm welcome accorded to me & my delegation. Earlier, we had an opportunity to hold discussions, and at that time you had laid out the vision for India-US bilateral relations. Today, you are taking initiatives to implement your vision for India-US relations: PM Modi

PM Reaches White House

Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives at the White House to hold a bilateral meeting with US President Joe Biden.

Joe Biden Welcomes PM Modi To White House

This morning I’m hosting Indian PM Narendra Modi at the White House for a bilateral meeting. I look forward to strengthening the deep ties between our two nations, working to uphold a free and open Indo-Pacific, and tackling everything from COVID-19 to climate change: US President

Indian-Americans Gather Outside White House Ahead Of PM Arrival

PM Modi To Address Global Citizen Live Event On Saturday

Prime Minister Narendra Modi to address Global Citizen Live event on Saturday, September 25.

Indo-US Ties Gone From Strength To Strength Since Modi Came To Power: BJP

With Prime Minister Narendra Modi set for a bilateral meeting with US President Joe Biden, the BJP asserted on Friday that the India-US relations have gone from strength to strength over the last seven years irrespective of the change of government in that country.

Addressing a press conference here, BJP spokesperson and Rajya Sabha member Sudhanshu Trivedi noted that Modi will be meeting third US president as Indian prime minister and asserted that he has enjoyed same strong relations with every president and the government there irrespective of the party in power.

PM's US Visit: Quick Glance At Events On Sept 22-23

PM Modi, Kamala Harris Met To Reaffirm Strategic Partnership Between US & India, Says White House

VP Kamala Harris met with PM Narendra Modi to reaffirm strategic partnership between US & India. They discussed the COVID-19 pandemic and collaborative efforts to respond and recover, including cooperation on vaccine production under the Quad Vaccine Partnership: White House

They each emphasized a commitment to democratic values and discussed the need to strengthen democracy at home and abroad. They supported expanding bilateral security cooperation in the face of modern threats, including terrorism and cybercrime, news agency ANI quoted White House as saying. 

"As the chair of the National Space Council, the Vice President encouraged expanded US-India space cooperation, and she and Prime Minister Modi explored ways to build on existing, robust bilateral collaboration on space," it added.

Modi US Visit LIVE: PM to attend Quad Summit

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the first-ever in-person summit of the four leaders of the Quadrilateral Framework (Quad) in the Indo-Pacific on Friday (Sept 24) in Washington.

Modi US Visit LIVE: Celebrity Chef Vikas Khanna is cooking for PM Modi at UNGA

Celebrity chef Vikas Khanna who is cooking for PM Modi and other dignitaries in UNGA spoke exclusively to ABP News. He said that Covid protocols have changed the norms of food and serving this year.
He shared his experience with PM in 2015 and is looking forward to serving the famous curry from Gujarat and Maharashtra but with his refined twist.

Vikas expressed his happiness on getting fresh Jamun this year in the USA which is the first time ever in his decades of stay in the country.

Breaking News LIVE: PM Modi meets Japan President

Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Japanese PM Yoshihide Suga ahead of the in-person Quad meeting that is to be hosted by US President Joe Biden. The PMs of the two Asian nations had a "fruitful meeting" in Washington DC. They met to discuss and strengthen bilateral ties between India and Japan. 

"Furthering friendship with Japan," the Prime Minister's office said in a tweet after the meeting on Thursday.

PM Modi US Visit: 'Her Feat Has Inspired The World', PM Modi After Meeting Kamal Harris

"Her feat has inspired the entire world. We talked about multiple subjects that will further cement the India-USA friendship, which is based on shared values and cultural linkages," tweets PM Modi after meeting with US Vice President Kamala Harris

PM Modi In US: PM Extends Gratitude To US For Helping India During Covid

"I express my gratitude to the US for extending a helping hand to India when India was hit by the second wave of COVID-19," PM Modi said in the meeting with Vice President Kamala Harris.

PM Modi In Us LIVE: Kamala Harris "Suo Motu" Refers To Pak Role In Terrorism

US Vice President Kamala Harris, during her maiden meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has "suo motu" referred to Pakistan's role in terrorism, saying that there were terror groups working in the country and asked Islamabad to take action so that it does not impact on America and India's security.

Prime Minister Modi held the meeting with Vice President Harris at the White House on Thursday during which they decided to further cement the Indo-US strategic partnership and discussed global issues of common interest, including threats to democracy, Afghanistan and the Indo-Pacific.


PM Modi US Visit LIVE: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday reached the United States to attend the Quad summit convened by President Joe Biden. During the visit PM also held bilateral meetings with leaders and will also address the United Nations General Assembly.

The Prime Minister was welcomed by US officials, Indian diplomats and members of the Indian diaspora when he landed at the Joint Base Andrews, a military airport outside Washington that is used by VIP.

On his first day of the visit, PM met leading American CEOs from five different key sectors and highlighted the economic opportunities in India. PM Modi held one-on-one meetings with CEOs of Qualcomm, Adobe, First Solar, General Atomics and Blackstone in Washington. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi met US Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday (Thursday as per US time) at Eisenhower Executive Office Building. During their meeting, PM Modi said the two countries share values and the coordination and cooperation are gradually increasing.

"India and America are natural partners. We have similar values, similar geopolitical interests," PM Modi said in a joint media appearance with Harris.

"You are the source of inspiration for so many people across the world. I am completely confident that our bilateral relationship will touch new heights under President Biden and your leadership," PM Modi told VP Harris.

Today PM Modi will attend QUAD Leaders' Summit post which he is scheduled to have a personal meeting with Biden, their first after the president's election.

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