Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be undertaking a visit to the state of Gujarat, during which he is slated to inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of various projects in the city of Gandhinagar on Friday. As per an official release issued on Thursday, the sanctioned value of these projects amounts to approximately Rs 4,400 crore, news agency ANI reported.

"At around 10:30 am, Prime Minister will participate in Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Sangh Adhiveshan in Gandhinagar. Thereafter, he will inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of various projects worth around Rs 4400 crores at 12 noon in Gandhinagar," the statement by the Prime Minister's Office was quoted by ANI in its report.

Prime Minister Modi is also scheduled to visit to the "Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT city)".

"During the visit, he will review the status of various ongoing projects at GIFT City. An interaction with GIFT IFSC entities will also take place to understand their experience and future plans in GIFT City. Prime Minister will also visit the city's key infrastructure facilities including the 'Underground Utility Tunnel' and 'Automated Waste Collection Segregation Plant'," the official statement stated. 

During the event, Prime Minister Modi will distribute keys to the individuals chosen to receive homes under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) initiative.

"Prime Minister will also inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of PMAY (rural and urban) projects, as well as participate in Gruh Pravesh of around 19,000 houses built under the scheme. He will hand over keys to beneficiaries of the scheme during the programme. The total outlay of these projects is around Rs 1950 crores," the release said.

"In Gandhinagar, he will inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of development projects worth over Rs 2450 crores. These include projects of Urban Development Department, Water Supply Department, Road and Transport Department and Mines and Minerals Department," it added.

Various development initiatives are set to commence, such as the improvement of multi-village water supply programs in Banaskantha district, an overpass above a river in Ahmedabad, the establishment of a waste management infrastructure at Naroda GIDC, sanitation facilities in Mehsana and Ahmedabad, and the establishment of an auditorium in Dahegam. According to an official statement, a number of projects will commence with the laying of their foundation stone. These projects encompass a range of initiatives, such as bulk pipeline development in Junagadh district, enhancement of water supply initiatives in Gandhinagar district, construction of flyover bridges, establishment of a new water distribution station, and town planning road development, among other efforts.