Prime Minister Narendra Modi will take part in a 'historic' celebration of 'Veer Bal Diwas' on Monday at Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium in Delhi, said his office. Prime Minister's Office (PMO) released a statement according to which, PM Modi will participate in a 'Shabad Kirtan' performed by 300 'Baal Kirtanis' approximately. He will then flag off a march-past led by 3,000 children in Delhi. 

The statement further read that the government is holding interactive and participatory events across the nation to educate the citizens, especially younger ones about the story of the 'sahibzades,' reported PTI. Sahibzades are the children of the last Sikh guru Gobind Singh, that sacrificed their lives to uphold their faith.

Essay writing and quiz competitions will be held in schools and colleges all across the nation.

The statement also said that digital exhibitions would be organized in public places such as airports, gas stations, and railway stations.

The statement added that programmes, where dignitaries will narrate the life story and sacrifice of martyred sons of Guru Gobind Singh, will be held all over the country.

SGPC Objects To Bal Diwas

Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) objected to the Union Government designating the occasion as ‘Veer Bal Diwas.’ The argued that "Sahibzadas referred to as ‘Babas.’ Calling the martyrdom day ‘Veer Bal Diwas’ is against Sikh philosophy as Sahibzadas are referred to as ‘Babas’ and not ‘bal’ (children). Referring to them as children belittles their tall stature as their sacrifice was of extremely huge stature."

The SGPC urged the Sikh community worldwide to commemorate the day as "Sahibzade Shahadat Diwas" in response to the BJP-led Centre's move.

According to Sikh organisations, the Akal Takht should only be making any decisions related to Sikh gurus and their family members with regard to Sikh philosophy and principles. 

(With inputs from PTI)