New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will interact with the DMs of various districts on Saturday during which he will take direct feedback about the progress and present status of implementation of the government schemes and programmes in the districts.

The interaction, which will take place via video conferencing at around 11 a.m., will help Prime Minister Modi review the performance and ascertain the challenges that are being faced.

“It is aimed at achieving saturation of various schemes by various departments in the districts in mission mode, in convergence with all stakeholders,” the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) said in a release.

The government under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership has continuously taken several steps to overcome the asymmetry in growth and development across the country.

“This is in line with the commitment of the government towards raising the living standards of all citizens and ensuring inclusive growth for all,” the PMO added.

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Modi held a high-level meeting of the officials to review the pandemic situation of the country.

A detailed presentation highlighting the surge in cases currently being reported globally was given by Secretary Health during the meeting held on January 9.

This was followed by the status of Covid-19 in India highlighting various states and districts of concern, based on the surge in cases and high positivity being reported.

Various efforts taken by the Central government so far in terms of supporting States to manage the upcoming challenge were highlighted. Various predictive scenarios of peak cases were also presented.

The support to the states to upgrade health infrastructure, testing capacity, availability of oxygen and ICU beds, and buffer stock of covid essential drugs under Emergency Covid Response Package (ECRP-II) was presented.

Prime Minister Modi stressed on the need to ensure adequate health infrastructure at the district level and asked officials to maintain co-ordination regarding this with the states.