New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will interact with the beneficiaries and stakeholders of the Atmanirbhar Bharat Swayampurna Goa scheme via video conferencing on Saturday, October 23, at 11 AM. PM Modi's interaction will be followed by an address by him on the occasion. Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant will also be present on the occasion.

The Atmanirbhar Bharat Swayampurna Goa scheme was launched on October 1 last year with the aim to make the villages self-reliant. This programme is inspired by the Prime Minister's clarion of Atmanirbhar Bharat.

The aim of the programme is to focus on agriculture, animal husbandry, youth and adolescent, senior citizens, women and SHGs, tourism, fisheries, natural resources, various schemes and their convergence and general-good governance.

Atmanirbhar Bharat Swayampurna Goa Scheme 

Under the Atmanirbhar Bharat Swayampurna Goa scheme, a state government officer is appointed as “Swayampurna Mitra.” This Mitra visits a designated municipality or panchayat, interacts with people, coordinates with multiple government departments, and ensures that various government schemes and benefits are available to the eligible beneficiaries.

The scheme was kept on a halt from May 2021 because of increased covid cases and resumed in July 2021.

Earlier Sawant had emphasized the necessity for adopting various sustainable measures to gain economic empowerment for the villages.

“In addition to these goals, few more were added which include a number of disabled persons in the area, number of senior citizens, number of families undertaking agriculture, people dependent on fisheries business, animal husbandry, etc,” Sawant had said in February 2021 during a review meeting of the scheme.