Women Reservation Bill: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday welcomed the passing of the Women's Reservation Bill during his address to the women workers of the party at BJP headquarters in Delhi. He said it was a commitment of the BJP and it has today completed it. He said that there were decades of hurdles, but when the intent is clear, "we witness results". Thanking the MPs for voting in favour of the bill he said that parliamentarians went above party lines and supported the bill.

"Today, I congratulate all women of the country. Yesterday and the day before, we witnessed the making of a new history. It is our fortune that crores of people gave us the opportunity to create that history," the PM said. He added that the bill is no ordinary law, "it is announcement of new India's new democratic commitment."

Lashing out at the opposition, the PM said that the bill faced many blockades in three decades, adding that many brought the bill but never had the strength to clear it. 

"There were many obstacles in the way of this Women's Reservation Bill. But When intentions are pure and there is transparency in attempts, then we witness results overcoming all obstacles. It is a record in itself that this bill got so much support in Parliament. I thank all political parties and MPs for it," the Prime Minister said.

PM Modi said that his government made every attempt to unshackle women with schemes for their security, respect, and prosperity. He said that the smooth passage of the bill is proof of fulfilling guarantee "I had given for ushering in new era of women-led development".

The PM congratulated mothers, sisters and daughters of India, saying that on September 21-22, "we have seen a new history being created".

"It is our privilege that people gave this opportunity to us to create this history," the PM said.

He said, "The coming generations will discuss about this decision. I congratulate the country on passage of 'Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam' in the Parliament with majority...some decisions have the capability to change the country's future and we are witness to one such decision."


PM Hails 'Stable' Govt For Passing Of Women's Reservation Bill

PM Narendra Modi said that the passing of this bill in both houses of the Parliament shows how a country with a majority government can work. "We never let anyone's political self-interests obstruct women's reservation," he said. The PM added that the bill proves "strong, decisive government with a majority is a must to take country forward".

He said that law for women's reservation became possible because people elected a stable, strong government with a full majority. 

"BJP was making efforts for the last three decades to ensure women's participation in democracy through this law. This was our commitment, and today, we have fulfilled it," the Prime Minister said.


Did Not Let Anyone's Selfishness Become A Hurdle: PM's Jibe At Oppn

During his address at the BJP headquarters in Delhi, PM Modi made a veiled jibe at the opposition and said that his government did not allow anyone's selfishness to become a problem for the bill.

"When an absolute majority of Government came to power in the country, such a huge work could be completed...We did not let anyone's selfishness become a wall before women's reservation. Before this, whenever this Bill came before the Parliament, only whitewash was done and determined efforts were never made..." he said.

The PM said that some had issues with the usage of the word 'Vandan' in the name. "Shouldn't the women of the country be given salutations?...Should there be so much arrogance in men and our political ideology that we are unhappy over 'Nari Shakti Vandan'? Now, when there is stable govt, the Bill is a reality..." the Prime Minister said attacking the opposition.