New Delhi: Welcoming Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement on Balochistan, World Baloch Women’s Forum president Naela Quadri Baloch on Saturday said the people of the region support him and he should take up the Baloch issue with the international community at the United Nations in September.

“We hope that you (PM Modi) will raise the Balochistan issue and Baloch people’s suffering in the UN session in September. And, we are with you. People of Balochistan, Baltistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, we all thank you,” Naela told ANI.

Another Baloch leader, Baloch National Movement (UK) spokesperson Hammal Haider Baloch expressed similar sentiments, saying: “It is for the first time that an Indian Prime Minister has expressed his wish to support the Baloch people. And, I think it is a very crucial decision made by the Indian Government. We hope Prime Minister Modi will play the same role that (Indira) Gandhi had played in 1970-71.”

Hammal said the people of Balochistan identify with the democracy and secularity of India and their cause needs to be supported by the international community to bring peace and stability in the region.

“Baloch people share common interest with India. We are secular and we also believe in democratic principles. It is high time for India and other democratic countries in the world to come forward and support the Baloch people, because supporting Baloch people is very important. Without supporting Baloch and other ethnic groups in Pakistan, it is almost impossible to bring stability in that particular region because Pakistan has proved to be a failed state,” he said.

He alleged that Pakistan is butchering people in Baloch and Sindhi political activists, and is supporting dangerous religious groups, which are radical in their approach and are a threat to ethnic groups in the country.

“They are killing Baloch people, they are butchering Sindhi political activists and they are supporting religious groups, which are not only a threat for these small ethnic groups but for the world as well,” he said.

Hammal further said despite getting all types of assistance from other nations, Pakistan has never complied with international rules.

He added that Pakistan is responsible for nurturing extremist groups in Balochistan, which are linked to dangerous terror outfits like ISIS, al-Qaeda and Taliban.

“As you can see that Pakistan has been promoting Islamic extremists in Balochistan, and they have created hundreds of Islamic groups, which are linked to the ISIS, the al-Qaeda, Taliban,” he said.

He also called on the international community and India to come forward and further support the cause of the Baloch people.

Prime Minister Modi has said yesterday that time has come to expose Pakistan’s brutalities on the people of Balochistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK).

He made the remarks as the government launched a fresh offensive against Islamabad for igniting the latest unrest in Kashmir after the killing of Hizbul commander Burhan Wani, whom Pakistan has continuously tried to tag as a ‘martyr’.

Kashmir has been on the boil for more than a month with thousands injured and more than 50 killed during protests against Wani’s killing.