Prime Minister Narendra Modi has managed to make headlines in terms of his popularity once again. According to a survey conducted by American data intelligence firm 'Morning Consult', PM Modi is still number one compared to the rest of the world leaders in terms of acceptance or approval. Surprisingly, the leader of the most powerful country in the world, US President Joe Biden is not even in the top 5.

PM Modi's Global Approval Rating highest at 66 percent

According to the survey, PM Modi's global approval rating is 66 percent.  In the survey, he remains ahead of the other leaders of 13 countries including the US, UK, Russia, Australia, Canada, Brazil, France and Germany. As per the survey, PM Modi is followed by Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who has an approval rating of 65 percent.  At the same time, the third number is Mexican President Lopez Obrador, who has a rating of 63 percent.

"MorningConsult, which tracks national ratings of the elected leaders of 13 countries, shows a 20-point slide over the past year in the proportion of Indians who approve of Mr Modi. Yet at 66% in early June, he still outperforms all the rest," the firm tweeted.

American data company Morning Consult tracks approval ratings for government leaders in India, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. These are based on a seven-day moving average of adult residents in each country.  However, its sample size varies from country to country.