The Opposition on Tuesday staged a massive protest on the Lok Sabha floor as Prime Minister Narendra Modi rose to reply to the Motion of Thanks to the President's address. Opposition MPs were seen trooping down to the well, shouting slogans and demanding more time from the Speaker even as PM Modi tried to make himself heard over the ruckus. Amid the massive din, a unique scene unfolded on the floor as PM Modi offered a glass of water to an Opposition MP. 

The video of PM Modi offering water to the Opposition MP has now gone viral. In the video, Opposition MPs, mostly from the Congress, can be seen crowding the well in front of Speaker Om Birla and shouting slogans. PM Modi was replying to the motion of thanks to the President's address to Parliament at the time. PM Modi, who sits in front as the Leader of the House, could be seen offering water to one of the Opposition MPs.

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The MP is seen sheepishly declining the glass. However, his colleague in the well decided to accept PM Modi's gesture and took the glass to drink from it. The video was widely shared, especially by BJP leaders and supporters. While some netizens called it a 'boss move', others termed the gesture it 'roasting level infinity'. 

BJP leader Shehzad Poonawalla, in a sarcastic post on X, said: "Modi the dictator offers water to Opposition MPs who heckled his entire speech Meanwhile, LoP Tamil Nadu suspended by CM Stalin govt only for asking about 65 Dalit deaths Bengal Police books people for reporting about Talibani flogging by TMC leader."

The Parliament, later in the day, passed a resolution against the Opposition and Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi, calling their conduct in the House a violation of Parliamentary principles.

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