Prime Minister Narendra Modi responded to his selfie with Italian counterpart Giorgia Meloni on Saturday. After re-sharing the photograph, PM Modi stated on his X (previously Twitter) handle: "Meeting friends is always a delight." Earlier on Friday, Meloni had shared the photo on X with the caption, "Good friends at COP28," followed by the hashtag 'Melodi,' a combination of the two leaders' surnames. Since then, the friendly photo of the two leaders beaming into the camera has gone viral.
Earlier, on the sidelines of the conference, Prime Minister Narendra Modi posted a selfie with Meloni and remarked, "Meeting with PM @GiorgiaMeloni of Italy on the sidelines of the #COP 28 Summit. I trust in the joint efforts of India and Italy for a prosperous and sustainable future."
In addition to Meloni, Modi met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and French President Emmanuel Macron during the COP28 summit.
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Meloni visited India for the G20 Summit in September. The Italian prime minister met Modi on the margins of the G20 meeting. “I had an excellent meeting with Giorgia Meloni. Our talks covered sectors such as trade, commerce, defence, emerging technologies and more. India and Italy will keep working together for global prosperity," Meloni had posted.
Meloni paid a two-day visit to India in March to serve as the chief guest for the 8th Raisina Dialogue 2023. She met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the capital's Hyderabad House.